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Order on the Court by Dave Horlick  Mon, 17 Jul 2006 11:48:08 GMT

Meg is explaining shuffleboard to Zeke. | Meg: Try knocking my puck into an area with a lower score.Zeke: How do I do that? | Meg: I don't know. Practice?Bridget: What we need is a technology that will let us watch the pucks' entire journey across the court.Zeke: A technology like fingerpaints? | Bridget: Perfect! Douse me.Bridget launches her puck.Zeke: Look at that! You can see where the yellow puck's trail hit the black puck, and where its trail starts.Bridget: Draw some circles where the pucks were at the time of impact.Meg has drawn the circles, and a line connecting their centers. | Meg: Their centers line up with the path of my yellow puck!Bridget: Since the pucks are both round, I guess they can only touch at a point. | Meg: Hey! Where did this minus 20 point area come from? | Zeke tip-toes away, covered in finger paints.

Principal Investigators … | Save Pluto | Only Robots Use Caps Lock | Order on the Court | Zeke's Bottom's Curious Property | A Watt Saved … | RSS Feed


Copyright 2006, Dave Horlick